6 ways to fix the biggest problems.
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season survey
next question: accountants’ economic outlook
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by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
we must have struck a chord in our article on the large number of firms suffering through a busy season worse than last year’s, a dreadful depth of bad. several cpas and tax preparers chimed in with comments, most of them constructive.
more on tax season for pro members: 3 ways to save time during busy season | most tax professionals call 2016 busy season much improved over last year | stress less this tax season | is tax season the new fraud season? | 5 tax season motivation tips | recognize your tax season resources | tax season 2016: irs in crisis | eliminate tax season excuses | record pre-season hiring surge: ready for biggest tax season ever? | 16 qualities of a good tax season client
from the discussion, we’ve gleaned six client management techniques that should be in practice at almost any firm.
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