7 main areas, with specific tips for each.
by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor
question: do you recommend strategic planning for a small accounting practice?
more practice doctor q&a for pro members (go pro here): help clients, increase revenue: make sure everyone on staff knows your firm’s full menu of services | i made partner, now what? | how to sell your practice | when a client balks at necessary work | 14 ways to use timesheet data | how to make staff a team again | it’s not sales. it’s your duty | how to notify clients of a partner’s retirement | closed for tax season? looks that way | is joint representation a conflict? | lowballing and why it (usually) doesn’t work | what goes in a client’s permanent file?
answer: i recommend it for everyone. it is important for larger firms to make sure the partners are on the same page.
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