a great time to be an accountant.
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by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
have we mentioned it’s a great time to be an accountant?
we have, of course. but the good news shows no signs of slowing. according to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 sources, increases of 5 percent or more were seen in
- overall staff employment;
- cpa firms, both overall and staff;
- payroll, both overall and staff;
- women overall, at cpa firms and in payroll;
- and tax preparation, which skipped into double digits.
payroll staff saw the steepest decline, in hourly wages. the new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 careers and hiring outlook survey results come amid a tax season, which by most measures, is much improved over last years.
more on tax season for pro members (go pro here): busy season 2016: more clients, fewer problems | problem clients causing big trouble | most tax professionals call 2016 busy season much improved over last year | stress less this tax season | is tax season the new fraud season? | 5 tax season motivation tips | recognize your tax season resources | tax season 2016: irs in crisis | eliminate tax season excuses | record pre-season hiring surge: ready for biggest tax season ever? | 16 qualities of a good tax season client | 8 ways to delight tax season clients | small tax season leaks can cause great damage | 5 ways thorough beats sloppy in tax season | tax season management: multi-tasking is a myth | digital workflow systems make tax season easier | why cpas need to worry about cyber crime (especially in tax season)
here 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 reports on:
- current hiring trends in each of the cpa, tax, payroll and bookkeeping segments of the industry;
- average hourly wages for key segments;
- average hours worked per week;
- and trends concerning women in the accounting workforce.
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