pros lose ground in e-filing

businessman holding a printed red "down" arrowrefunds are up a smidgen, while website visits soar.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

are more e-filers switching to self-preparation, and if so, why?

the “why” unfortunately isn’t told in the data, but the most recent tax filing statistics available show that e-filings by professionals are down 3.6 percent from the same week in 2015, while self-preparation is up 3.8 percent.

related: tax questions up, filings down

e-filing receipts as a whole were flat at 55 million, with 27.7 million coming from tax professionals and 27.37 self-prepared. sure the pros’ number is larger, but we like to look at trends here, and this one causes concern. not to mention that larger number is by a hair’s width of a margin, as pros are handling 50.3 percent of e-filings.