apply a presumption of innocence.
by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know
if you are concerned about the possibility of sex-related problems, consider the degree of risk involved and whether you are willing to assume it.
more on sponsoring women for leadership: how to help your protégée project the right image | how to promote your protégée to coworkers | 8 steps to guiding your protégée | 17 ways to follow through on sponsorship | how protégées can help sponsors | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | women must see politics as leadership | why some women resist using networks | bias persists against women with children | why men don’t see women as leaders | thanks for the advice, but i’d really prefer a promotion | 18 ways to boost your protégée
before you decide, consider
- first that you might be exaggerating the risk, and
- second that this is a risk that can be prevented and managed.
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