with details, you can calculate cost per workstation.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless
we have all heard the saying that if you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up going nowhere (or… you won’t ever get there).
more on tech spending: develop monthly it ‘flash’ reports | have an independent security review | why more firms are using their t&b apps for crm | standardize quickbooks support | digital report delivery includes owners | portals, encryption boost client security | streamlining audits by breaking old habits | why accounts payable should go digital
unfortunately many accounting firms do not do a good job of integrating their information technology requirements into the firm’s overall strategic vision. information technology impacts virtually every aspect of accounting firm production and is usually the biggest expense after your personnel costs. accordingly, it should be managed as the critically important asset that it is. this is one case where firms need to do exactly what they advise their clients to do and that is to manage information technology with a detailed budget that ties into the firm’s strategic plan.
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