how to build your pipeline

man with pipe dollarphotobonus checklist: 5 questions to evaluate your network and skills.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

ask yourself and answer these questions when considering the current and future “conversion” tactics that you’ll employ.

  1. if i were to start today, could i name four businesses that i’d like to reach out to?
  2. what is our firm’s net fee growth goal this year and what can i do to contribute to it?
  3. what do i need to do to be able to handle the tough stuff like negotiation, pricing and handling objections? what start to learning these skills can i make today?

more on the passport to partnership: businesses place value on expertise | how well do you represent your firm? | 6 keys to the perfect proposal | the 4 winning communications habits of top accountants | gauge firm culture to move toward partner

building your pipeline

record the businesses you’d ideally like to work with or believe you can add value to below, for future inclusion in your personal pipeline.