4 steps to turn things around.
by sandi leyva
the accountant’s accelerator
how does your current business look compared to the one you dreamed about before you started your entrepreneurial journey?
more on small-firm growth strategies: 5 ways to get more referrals | 9 ways to boost your value (and your fees) | 3 ways to get to ‘yes’ with prospects | 5 cures for the summertime blues | two daily rituals: focus and measure | how to calculate your ‘opportunity number’ | 9 ways accountants throw away profits | if you don’t develop your business, who will? | draw new clients in like a magnet | 9 ways to increase sales through ‘power networking’ | 3 ways to test your revenue forecast | whip out the wow factor for clients | how to work the same hours and make more money | take advantage of 4 key marketing strategies | four ways to stop leaving money on the table
do you now have
- clients you love,
- a dream team,
- the financial rewards you are comfortable with and
- plenty of free time?
if not, don’t give up. you can still get there, and a little business clarity may help you get there even faster.
here are four steps:
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