bonus lists: 3 ways women benefit when they are seen as leaders. statistics on women in management ranks. and 4 extra obstacles for women of color.
by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know
the benefits of sponsorship are indisputable. having a highly placed sponsor is a distinct career advantage, and when competing for top positions it can be a critical differentiator.
more on sponsoring women for leadership: 18 ways to boost your protégée | women leaders provide 6 market advantages | why cpa firms need more women | beyond mentoring to sponsorship | protect your protégée from flextime saboteurs | how to keep sex from derailing a sponsorship | use others to promote your protégée | 8 ways sponsors can highlight opportunities | 17 ways sponsors can help protégées | 3 ways to open a sponsorship conversation | what sponsors need from protégées | 3 ways to derail sponsorships | 4 reasons women hold themselves back | 4 ways sponsors can help women seek power | bias about women with families lingers | judged on performance, not potential? must be a woman | why women are overlooked (and how to fix it) | 3 ways men are favored in the workplace
protégées gain career-enhancing opportunities that others do not get, such as:
- receive more chances to excel,
- are accepted into influential networks,
- gain visibility as rising stars and
- enjoy heightened prestige through the intervention of a powerful backer.
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