how often you gather plays a role.
by marc rosenberg
cpa firm retreats
the great majority of retreats i have facilitated over a period of 20 years have been one-and-a-half to two days long.
more on retreats:what should cpa firms discuss at retreats? | why do cpa firms conduct retreats?
consider these six factors when deciding the length of your retreat:
1. timing. resist the temptation to convene the retreat beyond a 9:00-5:30 or 8:00-5:30 work schedule. even though you may work many more hours than this back at the office, a retreat is different. most adults are not used to sitting in a classroom all day, and many find it quite draining. participants should be able to spend every minute of the retreat refreshed, sharp and engaged. so in planning your retreat, don’t count on more than 7.5 or 8 meeting hours per day. be sure to provide for an hour for lunch and two 15-minute breaks.
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