you need goals, not just a desire to get new business.
by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor
question: we are a 20-person firm and are thinking of engaging a marketing consultant for training on how to get new business.
more practice doctor q&a: change your thinking about ‘small’ clients | it’s not sales. it’s your duty | quote with care when asked for valuation | how much should you pay to buy, sell or merge an accounting practice? | why the average fee doesn’t matter | 6 ways to take a client beyond tax prep | 6 simple steps to impress a prospect | 10 ways to get new 1040 clients | 23 reasons clients really need you for taxes
have you heard of anyone in particular for cpa leadership training? what does your firm do regarding this? an internal program or do you use outside consultants?
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