18 frequently asked questions on taxes and accounting for cannabis businesses.
plus: six leading sources for more info.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
with cannabis dispensaries and recreational stores pulling in about $3.1 billion in revenue this year, the u.s. marijuana industry is expected to pump an estimated $10 billion into state and local economies, making it a powerful source of industry, employment and taxes for cash-strapped states, according to the marijuana business factbook. the same source projects a $29 billion industry in four years, rivaling today’s u.s. wine industry.
related: see more marijuana-industry reports here
more than 60 tax, accounting and cpa firms in more than two dozen states are already advertising cannabis-related business issues as a specialty niche.
naturally, accountants have questions. here 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 answers a few of the most frequently asked…
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