6 ways to leave a cpa firm (retirement’s just 1)

businessman sitting at laptopgoodwill depends on the method of departure.

by marc rosenberg
retirements & buyouts

in the literal sense, retirement is only one of six ways that partners may separate from their firm.

more on retirement: how to juggle tax considerations for partner retirement benefits | how to transition clients from retiring partners | you want goodwill payments? give proper retirement notice | retirement vesting: the devil’s in the details | compromise is in order for some goodwill payouts | three ways to calculate goodwill payable in partner buyouts, none of them great | 5 points to consider when paying out goodwill | how to set terms and limits for goodwill payouts | 4 ways to decide how to pay out capital | partners may balk at guaranteeing retirement obligations

benefits to partners are handled differently depending on which of the six ways they leave: