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‘an accountant’s dream.’
jim marty, cpa
with so many “cannabusinesses” springing up, nbc news asks, who will do their accounting? cpa jim marty started an accounting firm in 2013 solely to service companies that work in the legalized marijuana industry. marty’s firm bridge west cpas may be the pre-eminent accounting firm serving the cannabis industry in the united states and internationally. the firm provides bookkeeping, accounting, tax, attest/assurance services and business consulting services to non-profit organizations, for-profit companies and individuals associated with the cannabis industry. the firm works with dozens of local law firms throughout the country and the most knowledgeable and experienced nationally known tax attorneys to help defend its clients from challenges by taxing authorities. in addition to their role as accountants, they are also hired as expert witnesses in tax and legal matters and as advisors in mergers and acquisitions.
dean guske, cpa
dean guske has over 26 years of experience in taxation, accounting and business consulting. he has deep experience in all facets of real estate and businesses related to real estate. his clients have included everything from development and construction to brokerage and rental. because he has also participated in these businesses as an owner, the impact of his hands-on experience sets him apart from others who have only dealt with these issues on paper. in addition to his expertise in real estate, dean has significant experience with high net worth individuals, professionals, closely held businesses, startups, executive compensation, retirement planning, business succession and transactions planning and analysis. he holds a master’s degree in taxation from golden gate university and a bachelor of arts (business) degree from the university of washington. he is a licensed cpa in the state of washington. dean’s other passion is golf. he admits he is a “junkie” and has the best time playing with his 9-year-old son austin. he is married to michelle, who teaches yoga and meditation. the guskes live and play in bellevue, wash.

james campbell, cpa
are medical marijuana expenses tax deductible? cpa james campbell at in royal oak, mich., operates a nationwide practice that specializes in medical marijuana tax issues.
todd arkley, cpa
todd arkley, cpa, talks with dominic corva, phd and professor at the university of washington at tacoma, about cannabis tax and regulatory issues. todd also serves on the board of the coalition for cannabis standards & ethics.