women need promotions, not just advice

woman and man executive standing in front of office buildingmen advance 2-to-1 over women without sponsors.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

the benefits of sponsorship are indisputable. having a highly placed sponsor is a distinct career advantage and when competing for top positions it can be a critical differentiator.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: is sponsorship right for your firm? | your protégée needs your feedback |  9 ways to promote your protégée to others | 8 ways to help your protégée focus on career opportunities | 3 ways to initiate informal sponsorship | 3 roadblocks to women and men working together well | fear of sex and rumors inhibits sponsorship | mentor or sponsor? how to distinguish roles | 4 ways women leaders improve firms | cpa firms must ‘man up’ and get women on board

protégées gain career-enhancing opportunities that others do not get, such as: