you have to believe in yourself.
by martin bissett
“no man has the ability to step outside of the shadow of his own character.”
— robespierre
as far as our potential clients are concerned, how they perceive us is how we really are to them, regardless of the truth of the matter.
more on selling: selling vs. attracting to build relationships | when selling, don’t chase new fees, attract them | selling accounting services doesn’t have to be hard! | ‘selling’ isn’t a dirty word | 8 factors in practice development success | in sales, perception is reality | success begins with accountability | do you realize you’re failing? | winning your first client
because of this, it’s important to realize that when we are meeting a new potential client who has not been referred to us, it does not matter what the reality of our value proposition is; it matters how that potential client perceives our value proposition. therefore, to be effective
in winning work, we must understand how we can positively influence their perception of us at each stage of the relationship-building process.
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