do these right and your revenues should benefit, too.
by sandi smith leyva
the accountant’s accelerator
as you build your relationships with your clients, it’s always a good thing to see how you can serve them even better.
here are 11 ways you can add value to your existing services that will enable you to stand out from the competition, serve the client better and put more green in your bank account.
more on small-firm growth strategies: 5 things you know that clients don’t | 3 ways to test your revenue forecast | 8 must-haves for a prospect kit | whip out the wow factor for clients | how to work the same hours and make more money | if you’re a ‘best-kept secret’ cut it out! | busy season surval tips: 5 ways to turn a tough day into a great one | take advantage of 4 key marketing strategies | four ways to stop leaving money on the table
as you go through the list, check them off to see which ones you are doing, and which ones sound good to add to your business.
to read the full article