create competitive value by combining practitioners and educators on the same team.
by michael ramos and cate miller
cpas bring a diverse range of skills to any business problem. at small firms, partners wear many hats, including management of the learning function. but as firms grow, it soon becomes apparent that one of the firm’s partners – no matter how talented he or she may be – is not functioning at their highest and best use if they have to manage the entire learning function on their own.
part 3 in a 3-part series: run training like a business
part 1: 4 steps to get more from your training budget
part 2: how to manage cpe by the numbers
part 3: how to build a powerhouse learning team
with size comes a diversity of learning needs and management of the learning function becomes more complex. the opportunity cost of having firm partners and managers limit their billable hours to coordinate training begins to outweigh the costs of engaging the help of a learning professional.
thus is born the need for a learning team.
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