the six essential habits of successful leaders in tax & accounting


by august aquila
creating the effective partnership

every book you read on leadership will tell you certain things you need to do to become a good leader. however, you can do these things and still not be someone who people want to follow.

more on leadership: research, but also be ready to act | leader training is time well spent |  successful strategy execution requires focus on people | managing partners must remember partners’ needs | like herding cats: partners must ‘walk together’ | 5 questions about your firm’s direction | partners have love-hate relationship with leadership  | what does being a partner mean? | mirror, mirror on the wall | the 8-point financial tune-up for your accounting firm | three ways to run a firm: but only one is sustainable | eight key goal areas for partners

why? leadership is all about trust. if you cannot trust me, then you will not follow me or believe in me.