the 8-point financial tune-up for your accounting firm

hstrengthen your partnership and protect minority interests.

by auqust aquila
creating the effective partnership

with busy season just around the corner, it’s a good time now to tweak your firm’s financials and partner performance.

start by reviewing your billing rates, billing and collection policies, type of work partners are doing, how you reward performers and your leadership.

more august aquila on creating the effective partnership: three ways to run a firm: but only one is sustainable  •  eight key goal areas for partners  •  5 must-do’s for every managing partner today  •  are bad clients driving you crazy?  •  6 steps to handle staffing problems in a merger  •  new times call for new cpa firm metrics  •  6 reasons why cpa firms fail in innovation  •  when the deal is done: a 24-point checklist for the morning after  • 

take the time to focus on what drives the bottom line. it’s time well spent. here are eight issues you shouldn’t miss: