check the checklist: 32 reasons for a merger or acquisition
question: i am getting ready to think about retiring. i don’t want to work forever, and have enough saved so i will be pretty well off when i retire. however, i would like to get the most that i could for my practice. i also would like my staff to not lose their jobs and for my clients to be well cared for.
more q&a with ed mendlowitz: 44 critical criteria for accounting staff performance evaluations | 23 reasons clients really need you for taxes | why i don’t hire on experience | 5 time management tips for an overworked accountant | complaining client? no wonder! | running an accounting business | 14 ways to switch to value pricing
i am a sole practitioner with two part-time bookkeepers, two full-time cpas and a full-time secretary/office assistant. i have an informal relationship with a larger firm where i refer business i can’t handle and they refer back smaller clients they do not want.
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