leader-driven growth. not just a bunch of rainmakers.
by gale crosley
i see it all the time. well-intentioned accounting firms do what they believe are the right things. they sponsor events. they publish articles. they meet and greet. but they don’t grow.
more on growth strategies for multi-partner firms: are you creating a sustainable firm? | don’t confuse marketing with a true growth strategy | overcoming four imaginary barriers that limit cpa firm growth | how firms unleash the power of diamonds, cash cows and fat cats | how smart firms use market research |
at most firms growth is an individual contributor activity. lone ranger partners do their own thing, attracting clients here and there and offering services they believe clients need. but despite the efforts of individual partners, there’s little solid growth to show for the effort.
that’s when they call. “gale, we need your help! market conditions aren’t great and we’re getting hammered with competitive pricing. we have to increase our marketing so we can grow!”
whoa cowboy, sit back in that saddle and let’s talk a while.
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