will zero data entry end your tax practice?

five things you need to know and three things you need to do.

by frank stitely, cpa
stitely and karstetter 

get ready for a transformation in the tax business unlike anything we have experienced since turbotax.  the transformation will force many of your colleagues to sell, retire, or go out of business.  it will force many of your staff out of the profession.  it will change the way you serve clients.  and, it will either result in tremendous opportunity for you or end your practice.  this transformation is zero data entry.

more stitely: three trends that will transform your tax practice or eliminate it  |  value, billem & dunn: a value billing case study  |  why value billing won’t transform your life  |  the problem with frank stitely? we need more frank stitelys!  |  the problem with timesheets? not enough timesheets!   |  who’s missing in action from your workflow processing system?   |   how to make an extra $72,000 by working smarter