how to give clients real solutions, options and opportunities they’ll love.
by sandi smith leyva, cpa
accountant’s accelerator
many accountants are quickbooks proadvisors who offer quickbooks consulting to their clients; you may be one of them.
more at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 for soloists and small firms: proactive ways to get more referrals | the three biggest money leaks in your practice | new client opportunities with mobile apps | six questions to launch your summer strategy sessions | what most accountants miss in the five simple steps to get more clients | 10 ways to add a “money maker” hour to your day | 11 sources of wealth we can celebrate | nine value-adds to command a higher fee | how to design your business around your strengths
here are the opportunities i see to expand your client services in the area of quickbooks consulting, or for that matter, any accounting software consulting.
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