tax practitioners end busy season 2013 short by 300,000 returns

untitledthe nation’s tax accountants failed in the final days leading up to april 15th to close the gap commonly attributed to early-season delays and confusion, according to the latest data available.

but if the shortfall holds through coming weeks of data gathering, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 believes it could mark a significant and serious downturn in the future of the tax prep industry.

in this report:

  • tax professionals e-filed 63.3 million returns, down 0.4% from last year’s 69.6 million.
  • meanwhile, the number of do-it-yourself e-filers grew 4%, to 43.1 million, up from last year’s 41.3 million.
  • complete statistics on individual income tax returns, filings and filing rates, week by week, in year-to-year percentage change
  • number sent to irs
  • number processed by irs
  • number e-filed by tax professionals
  • number e-filed by self-preparers
  • website traffic
  • number of refunds
  • total dollar amount of refunds
  • average refund
  • number of direct-deposit refunds
  • amount of direct-deposit refunds
  • average direct-deposit refund