are you leading, or merely managing or administering?
by marc rosenberg, cpa
author of “cpa firm management and governance”
when attending conferences, we love “aha” moments. those are moments when a speaker says something so profound that it causes a sudden understanding of a major issue and captures our imagination. we can’t wait to get back to the office, share it with our partners and start implementing the idea.
more on cpa firm management and leadership: leadership is overrated: it’s good management that makes successful firms • 40 great ways to improve firm profitability • four management metrics that fool even the best-run firms • 19 ways to improve accounting firm profitability • de-bunking the myth about niche marketing for tax and accounting firms • practice development is no longer an optional activity • 10 good ways the achieve partner accountability • pick your partners right to begin with • the first nine questions your partner team needs to embrace for optimal profitability • profitability and the value of strategic thinking • the five essential building blocks for creating a strong accounting firm • the seven signs of great leadership in a cpa firm • compensation issues for the new managing partner •

i had an “aha” moment not so long ago. the speaker was bob bunting, long time managing partner of regional firm moss adams, a leader in our profession par excellence. he delivered a very simple but powerful statement that described a value system at moss adams:
- leadership is worth more than your billing rate.
- management is worth your billing rate.
- administration is worth less than your billing rate.
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