and 11 good tips for once you do.
here at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间, ed mendlowitz answers some of the toughest questions practitioners can throw at him. he’s the right one to ask. after more than 40 years in the business – building his own practice, running the firm, and eventually selling it to a major regional firm, withumsmith+brown, where he remains a senior partner and consultant to professional services clients – he has the answers. we’re happy to have him at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间. send your questions for ed here, or chime in with comments below.
more from ed mendlowitz, the practice doctor q&a: novice manager needs to know: how to do it all? | why no one listens to you | fun reads for busy season | when not to offer a free initial consultation | measuring growth in yourself, staff and partners | what do you think you’re doing? | can you teach judgment? | clients’ calls at home | what you need to know before expanding into business valuation |
question: i am working for a cpa firm, but would like to start my own practice. can you give me some suggestions?
response: essentially, you have three options (four if you count my pet project, but i won’t belabor it).
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