10 ideas to keep your firm moving forward

jean caragher
jean caragher

attract and retain the best and the brightest.

by jean caragher
capstone marketing

daniel burrus, considered one of the world’s leading technology forecasters and business strategists and author of six books including “flash foresight: how to see the invisible and do the impossible,” was the opening speaker at the 2012 cch user conference held this week in my new hometown of san diego.

complete conference coverage: cloud & mobile technologies drive change in tax and accounting  |  how apple is changing your business  |  10 ideas to keep your firm moving forward  |

given the rapidly changing world in which we work, burrus challenged us to look into the future to determine those hard trends (those that will happen whether we want it or not) and soft trends (those trends over which we have control) that will impact our business.  then, he encouraged us to use flash foresight – the ability to trigger a burst of accurate insight about the future – and to use it to produce a new and radically different way of doing things.