stop “non-profit” tasks and start making more money in your practice.
by sandi smith, cpa / exclusive to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
accountant’s accelerator
let’s do the math. to earn a million dollars in a year, you have to bring in $83,333 per month. assuming you bill hourly and work for the standard 1,000 billable hours per year, you need to charge $1,000 per hour. if you want to make five million in one year, you will need to charge $5,000 per hour.
here’s some breaking news: you won’t get there doing tasks that are worth $10 per hour. even if we drop a zero and aim for six figures in a year, you won’t get there doing $10 per hour tasks either. at six figures, you’re worth $100 per hour.

more for soloists and small firms from sandi smith at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间: 5 mistakes to avoid when seeking new clients • the top 12 business card blunders accountants make • seven tips to keep the clients you have • how to attract clients like a magnet • eleven easy ways to deliver more value to clients • five things accountants take for granted that costs them revenue• what’s in your new client funnel? • what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects? • five fun and easy ways to wow your clients • six ways to give yourself a raise • strategies to stop losing business to competitors • five tips to manage your ‘overwhelm’ level • easy ideas for a quick business boost • four new mega-trend marketing strategies • how to stop leaving money on the table
the difference between poor people and rich people is simple: one values the scarcity of their time and uses every minute wisely, and the other doesn’t.
here are some tips to help you start thinking like a millionaire, which is the first step to becoming one:
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