new revenue may be closer than you think.
by sandi smith cpa
accountant’s accelerator
it’s far less expensive to keep your existing clients happy than it is to find new clients, especially since the trust factor between people is at an all-time low. so you might want to think about re-directing a portion of your marketing attention on your existing client base instead of networking for new clients.
i’ve met a lot of business owners who have trouble getting their employees to sell while they’re on site, and i’ve also heard from some customers who’ve remarked that their vendors don’t stay in touch with them. so here are some tips to mine the pot of gold that lies right before you: your current clients who already trust you and are eager to hear about new solutions that will ease their pain and problems.

more from sandi smith at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间: • how to attract clients like a magnet • eleven easy ways to deliver more value to clients•five things accountants take for granted that costs them revenue • what’s in your new client funnel? • what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects? • five fun and easy ways to wow your clients • six ways to give yourself a raise
• strategies to stop losing business to competitors • five tips to manage your ‘overwhelm’ level • easy ideas for a quick business boost • four new mega-trend marketing strategies • how to stop leaving money on the table
- change your attitude about staying in touch with your might feel like you don’t want to “bother” your client, but i bet your client would be delighted to get a phone call out of the blue, especially if you have an idea that will save them time or money. they already trust you, so find out how you can help them even more than you already are.
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