eight must-have’s and 10 more new ideas.

by sandi smith, cpa
accountant’s accelerator
if you’ve spent any time at all in business talking with prospects on the phone or in person, then you probably have a list of benefits or advantages that you like to mention about your company to every prospect. you may have a very structured way of going about this, and you may not.
in any case, building a prospect kit will help you become even more consistent in the presentation of your company’s strong points to prospects. and, it’s absolutely essential as you move into larger and larger business deals.
see more from sandi smith at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 (log in now or 2022世界杯足球排名 membership here):
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a prospect kit is a sales tool that you can use to communicate information about your business to prospects.
here’s a list of the most basic items that can go in an initial prospect kit:
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