change your thinking, change your future

competing today necessitates a client-driven, not practice-driven, firm.

by michelle golden
professional services marketing 3.0 by bruce w. marcus

bruce’s newest book documents an important evolution in professional firms and the way law and accounting firms interact with current and prospective buyers. these interactions include serving the client, but also—quite importantly—reflecting how people working in firms present themselves in terms of their ability to bring true value to those who hire them.

bruce’s approach is two-fold: understand the past, and be intentional about the future. as you read, and consider your firm’s present marketing in light of this broader, historic context, you have the opportunity to identify counter-productive attitudes and approaches and move to an advanced level of marketing sooner than you otherwise might. the author shares, through his rich observations and experiences, that the views a professional holds about the value of his or her offerings, and marketing in general, are more important than the specific marketing tactics he or she undertakes.