accounting marketing survey: 60% of cpa firms surge into social media

linkedin leads with 76% of firms involved.

via aam

a new study by the association for accounting marketing finds that approximately 60% of the firms surveyed are participating in social media and 43% have written social media policies to guide employees and govern its use.

linkedin emerged as the leading application used by accounting professionals with 76% of firms using linkedin and of those not using linkedin, 60% have a plan to establish an account.

the survey responses were received from accounting marketing professionals across the united states. questions were posed regarding all of the major social media applications including facebook, you tube, twitter, linkedin and blogs.

according to alice grey harrison, aam member and marketing communications manager for dixon hughes pllc, the largest accounting firm headquartered in the southern u.s., “linkedin has been identified as a valuable way to connect with prospects, clients and previous employees. we encourage the use of linkedin by providing web-based on-demand training to help our employees establish their profile and get started making connections.”

accounting firms are using social media for a variety of purposes including client communications, thought leadership, recruiting, creating alumni networks, public relations, brand development, business development and employee communications. regardless of the accounting firm’s size or focus, this study shows that social media has emerged as a credible way to communicate brand and messaging.

one response to “accounting marketing survey: 60% of cpa firms surge into social media”

  1. accountants for it contractors

    when it comes to internet marketing we can say that social media is playing one of the vital role. it is not strange to know that 60% of the accountancy marketing is done via the social media platforms like linkedin. we can find many other useful platforms as well like gather, stumbleupon, itimes, skyrock and specially we can use twitter and facebook business profiles for the marketing purpose.