five ways to shift from cross-selling to cross-serving your clients

tracy crevar warren
tracy crevar warren, ceo, the crevar group

how to embrace a new advisory role and really deliver value.

in the new book, “bull’s-eye! the ultimate how-to marketing and sales guide for cpas,” business development veteran russ molinar discusses a concept he calls “cross-serving.” according to tracy crevar warren, writing in the latest aicpa cpa insider, cross-serving offers an alternative to cross-selling, while highlighting the importance that the trusted advisory role plays in serving clients.

she cites the bay street group research showing 63% of clients indicate that proactive advice and consultation is an important criterion in selecting a cpa firm. however, 44% noted problem-solving ability as a top factor.

for more on the research findings and how to put them to use in your accounting firm, visit “the seven keys to successful cpa firm management” and click on client service+satisfaction.

and then she lays out five steps to shift from cross-selling to cross-serving: