signs of recovery? accounting and bookkeeping industry adds 3,700 jobs

industry shows steady expansion since june.

by rick telberg

as the nation’s jobless rate ticked up to 9.6%, the accounting and bookkeeping industry showed a new  upward trend by adding 3,700 new jobs in the latest month, according to the latest data from the labor department.

overall, the nation’s employers added 54,000 jobs in august — more than expected. but the unemployment rate rose one-tenth of a percent as half a million jobless people resumed their search for paying positions.

accounting and bookkeeping services, all employees, in thousands
accounting and bookkeeping services, all employees, thousands, seasonally-adjusted

the latest trend line suggests the industry bottomed in june at 894,500 jobs and has been restoring staff rosters every month since. employment peaked at the historic high of 970,000 in january 2008 before dropping with the onset of recession.

the latest jobs report shows the industry with 899,400 jobs in august, up from 894,500 in july and 894,500 in june. at august levels, the industry is 7.3% off it’s pre-recession peak.

july and august figures are preliminary and subject to revision. in last month’s report, government data suggested accounting and bookkeeping employers had not yet restarted rehiring.

4 responses to “signs of recovery? accounting and bookkeeping industry adds 3,700 jobs”

  1. accounting jobs today

    this is great news. at accounting jobs today we have seen an uptick in postings both in public and private sector. there is some good news in a otherwise bleak employment market.

  2. ...mentioned on twitter by speedtax and nccpaboard ...

    …mentioned on twitter by speedtax, nccpaboard …

  3. mark f schauwecker, cpa

    i would hope to start seeing some type of increase in accounting employment as we approach the 4th quarter of 2010. companies are approaching the finalizations of plans and budgets along with year ends. temporary and contract staffing levels should start to pick up.

  4. ...mentioned on twitter by keith veres...

    …mentioned on twitter by keith veres…