art of persuasion: think five w’s and a “y”

use this checklist to stimulate your thoughts for persuading and influencing others to accept your ideas, closing a sale or getting to “yes”


  • who can help or make contributions?
  • who must i sell on this idea?
  • who can help me get additional resources?
  • who will benefit?
  • who will try to stop me?


  • what do i need by the way of additional resources?
  • what techniques or methods can i use?
  • what is the best way?
  • what is the first step?
  • what will make them buy?
  • what are the alternatives?
  • what difference does it make?


  • where should i start?
  • where is resistance likely to be found?
  • where should i plant seeds?
  • where can the idea be used?
  • where can i go for inspiration?


  • when should i introduce the plan or idea?
  • when should we implement the ideas?
  • when should we revise our strategy?


  • why should they buy this idea?
  • why is this way better?
  • why is resistance so strong?


  • how can we improve on the idea?
  • how can we test the waters?
  • how can i persuade the centers of influence?

via arnold sanow, a speaker, seminar leader and author of five books, including “get along with anyone, anytime, anywhere … 8 keys to creating enduring connections with customers, co-workers – even kids” .