networking tips: 21 ways to be more memorable

accountants are not necessarily known for their outgoing personalities.

so, many cpa firms have been launching soft skills training to help their professionals meet people, network better, and, hopefully, land more business.

trainer and facilitator arnold sanow, mba, csp, reminds us that dale carnegie once won a major sale by being a great conversationalist — without saying more than a few words.

while sitting at dinner he started talking with a gentleman at his table. the man at his table spoke for four hours while dale carnegie spoke for only about two minutes. after four hours the man stated to everyone, “dale carnegie is the best conversationalist i’ve ever met.” by being an active listener dale carnegie was not only portrayed as a great conversationalist, but the man instantly took a liking to dale. since dale was interested in him he was interested in dale.

you too can make yourself memorable to everyone you meet. by following the guidelines below, you’ll not only be more memorable, but you’ll get more cooperation with co-workers, get more clients, keep them coming back and get enthusiastic referrals.

pick one, and try it today:

  1. ask them for their opinions.
  2. be able to speak on a variety of subjects. keep abreast of current events.
  3. be enthusiastic about things and life to others. people like being around people in good spirits. they will gravitate to those who are upbeat, positive and cheerful.
  4. be interested, not just interesting.
  5. be tolerant of people’s beliefs if they are different from yours.
  6. be yourself. enjoy the conversation.
  7. compliment others about what they are wearing, doing, or saying, but be sincere. appreciate to be appreciated.
  8. display your sense of humor. people remember humor six times longer than regular conversation plus they will gravitate to you.
  9. don’t interrupt. sensitivity, rapport and commitment are all killed when you interrupt others.
  10. give them more than they expect. in other words, under-promise and over-deliver.
  11. have positive body language. use the soften technique to become more approachable, likeable and trustworthy. s=smile, o=open posture, f=forward lean, t=stay out of their territory, e=eye contact, n=nod to show understanding.
  12. introduce yourself to others. no matter where you are play the host. be the first to say hello.
  13. invite people to join you for lunch, dinner and other social events.
  14. listen, listen, listen. you not only become more likeable, but you really start to understand the other person’s wants, needs and desires.
  15. make an extra effort to remember people’s names. as dale carnegie says, “the sweetest sound to a person is their name.”
  16. make everyone feel important by paying full attention to him or her. make them feel like they are the only person in the room.
  17. show curiosity and interest in others.
  18. show others that you are enjoying your conversation with them. don’t yawn, look bored or have a case of roving eyes.
  19. speak concisely. be able to tell people what you do in a few short sentences.
  20. speak their language. talk in terms of their communication style. for example, if someone just wants the facts, don’t go into a lot of stories and anecdotes.
  21. use eye contact and smile upon meeting someone. the best way to build rapport is through eye contact.

2 responses to “networking tips: 21 ways to be more memorable”

  1. steven sessions

    good article, and building your cpa practice involves listening very carefully to your clients to truly understand the little details that are “material” though they may seem quite “insignificant” from our point of view.

  2. michael white

    being interested in the other guy goes a long way toward personal networking. relating their what you have experience to their situation is the best way to give them the attention they need.