10 ways cpas can boost their local economies

if you’re tired of waiting for your government bailout…

here are 10 ways an accounting firm can help give a shot in the arm to local business.  (and none of it costs a dime.)

1. mentor a new business owner.

2. host an event at your local coffee shop.

3. send an email to friends raving about your favorite business.

4. give feedback to a business owner about something they should fix.

5. constantly promote others on your social networks.

6. hook up people who should work together.

7. host a “camp” for the recently laid off.

8. attend a local chamber of commerce meeting.

9. rave about your local community, and encourage investment and tourism.

10. use your positive mental attitude for good.

via escape from cubicle nation. h/t cb&h cpas.

3 responses to “10 ways cpas can boost their local economies”

  1. darren bailey

    to make a more long-term and meaningful impact, meet with your local economic development officials (ledos) to see how you can be a resource to their efforts. these groups are typically overworked and understaffed and would welcome additional fire power on the ultra-competitive ed front.

  2. michael white

    in short, develop your network. doing good things for clients or potential clients or people who may be in position to refer clients to you is good net working and just smart.

    • rtelberg

      you’re right. it’s not rocket science. it’s just good citizenship. maybe it’s worth remembering that a profession serves in the public intrest.