what are the essential elements for great leaders in this economy?

abraham_lincoln_seated,_feb_9,_1864cpa chad bordeaux at beancounter ramblings has some good answers…

“i do not think that these essential elements change so much depending upon the economy.  a truly great leader will possess these qualities regardless of the economy.  the differentiating factor is that the poor economy seems to weed out some of the poor leaders that do not possess these leadership qualities.”

he starts with “vision.”

(even if he is writing from south carolina and is illustrating his post with  a picture of abe lincoln. what, no jefferson davis?!)

more at beancounter ramblings here…

essential elements for great leaders in this economy

posted by chad bordeaux

one response to “what are the essential elements for great leaders in this economy?”

  1. chad bordeaux

    i figured more people would identify with lincoln. i should have used jefferson davis. you are not the only one to give me grief over it. :)