what accountants need to know about performance reviews.
next question: how’s your job? join the survey; see the results.
by rick telberg
if you’re waiting for your next performance appraisal to see how you’re doing, it’s already too late.
it’s too late because if you don’t know, you’re already behind the curve. it’s too late because if you need to ask, your boss probably doesn’t want to tell you. and if your boss doesn’t want to tell you, then you probably won’t like what you hear. it’s too late because if your company or firm isn’t keeping you apprised, then it’s probably a company or firm that’s falling behind
the competition.
according to the society for human resource management, 90 percent of hr professionals say their companies under-utilize or misuse performance appraisals. so if the annual performance review process at your accounting firm or finance department feels like a waste of time you’re probably right. but that doesn’t relieve you of the responsibility to know how you’re doing. it just it makes it more difficult.
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