accounting and bookkeeping loses 5,700 jobs in june

june employment sinks to seasonally-adjusted 929,800, down from 935,500 in may.

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in a month when the overall u.s. unemployment rate rose to 9.5%, little changed from may’s 9.4% jobless rate, the number of americans employed in accounting and bookkeeping services declined slightly, down 5,700 jobs from may to a seasonally-adjusted 929,800 in june.

that’s actually up 500 jobs from april, seasonally adjusted. and it’s up 18,500 from the year-ago 948,000, seasonally adjusted.

meanwhile, adp is reporting:

employment among small-size businesses, defined as those with fewer than 50 workers, declined 177,000 in june. monthly employment losses in april, may, and june averaged 185,000. despite a notable improvement over the first three months of the year, when monthly losses averaged 260,000, employment among small-size businesses is likely to decline for at least several more months. since reaching peak employment in january 2008, small-size businesses have shed nearly 2.3 million jobs.

total employment in the accounting and bookkeeping services sector seems to be faring well, compared to the rest of the professional and business services sectors. today’s bureau of labor statistics report says:

employment in professional and business services dropped by 118,000 in june. job losses occurred throughout the industry, including temporary help services (-38,000), services to buildings and dwellings (-17,000), and architectural and engineering services (-14,000). since the start of the
recession, professional and business services has lost 1.5 million jobs; temporary help services accounted for over half of this decline.

for a long-term perspective on employment in the accounting and bookkeeping sector, here’s the latest 10-year chart from the bureau of labor statistics, with data through may:

2 responses to “accounting and bookkeeping loses 5,700 jobs in june”

  1. bill cooper

    i failed to maintain my cpa license 10 years ago and now regret it. after 4 years with a company i lost my job and now have been searching for a year. i have had interviews but seems companies are extremely cautious about hiring. i have decreased my salary expectations by 25% and still no luck. for a copy of my resume send an email to

  2. aharara23

    this is such sad, disappointing news! hopefully, we will witness a 180 degree turn around sooner rather than later, and people will have steady, stable and reliable employment.