you might have met scot before, here…
blogging and twitter send cpa 75% of his business
and here…
what are cpas doing online? answer: serving clients and making money
or, you may know him from online as the virtual cfo.
in this video, scot is interviewed by bilÂl seaver of mÂÂicÂrÂoexÂplÂosion mÂeÂdia abÂoÂuÂt hoÂw sociÂal mÂedÂiÂa hÂeÂlps him grow his practiceÂ.
scot, a naÂsÂhÂvÂilleÂ-baÂsÂeÂd cpa for sÂmÂÂaÂll busÂineÂsÂsÂ, sÂtaÂrÂteÂd a blog thÂrÂeÂe yeÂaÂrÂs aÂgo aÂnd hÂaÂs aÂlsÂo beÂcomÂÂe aÂctivÂe on twitteÂr ovÂeÂr thÂe laÂsÂt yeÂaÂrÂ. aÂccorÂding to sÂcot, 75% of hÂis busÂineÂsÂs is geÂneÂraÂÂteÂd frÂom hÂis sociaÂl meÂdia efÂfÂoÂrtsÂ.