joe eckelkamp | mentors

eckelkampsometimes bosses make the best mentors.

by joseph t. eckelkamp
eckelkamp and associates, cpas

i’ve been blessed with many great bosses over the years — many were mentors. jim finkenkeller, jim garone, phil sattler, and marc welp immediately come to mind. but, without a doubt, the three that stand out above the rest are richard goldberg, keith roever, and jerry kolar.

in each case, the single thing that stands out is they genuinely wanted to see me succeed for my own benefit–not just because they needed me to look good so they would look good–and they were willing to “just talk” about stuff. that built very high levels of two-way trust that added to the relationship. all three remain close friends to this day even though i haven’t worked directly with them in at least a dozen years. i wouldn’t call any of them “drinkin’ buddies”, but the friendships are strong and enduring.