local cpa firm uses youtube for recruiting


who says small firms can’t compete for talent with the big four?

dauby o’connor & zeleski llc in indianapolis is doing some great guerrilla marketing.

do&z has a youtube channel and a video that gently pokes fun at the menial work that a lot of interns do for big accounting firms while pointing out that do&z interns do meaningful, challenging work from day one.

collegerecuruiter.com gives “kudos to do&z for understanding that you don’t need to spend big bucks on recruitment advertising campaigns in order to get the word out. in fact, spending big bucks on an ad campaign would hurt them more than it would help them because they can’t possibly win the budgetary battle against the big accounting firms. but do&z and smaller firms like them can win the message battle by emphasizing their selling points like real, meaningful work from day one.”

here are a few more of their videos… enjoy!



