viewpoint: the true cost of vista

cpas need to understand all the angles

by gregory k. meyer, cpa
business & technology consulting, inc.
buffalo, n.y.

i am a bit surprised that you completely overlooked the negatives of vista [“are you ready for vista?“], namely that it gives microsoft unprecedented control over how you can use your own computer, and even whether you can use it.

i would think that as cpas that it is important to maintain control over our data and computing environment and i am a bit puzzled about why this doesn’t seem to matter.

have you read this: “a cost analysis of windows vista content protection,” by peter gutmann, university of auckland, n.z.?

throughout my career i have always been a huge proponent of technology and an early adopter, but i see so many pitfalls with vista that aren’t being discussed, as if we don’t have a choice but to play ball and go along with the microsoft program.

i am not a microsoft hater, but a pragmatist and if the ultimate solution is to go ahead and adopt vista, that’s fine as long as people are discussing and aware of the downside.