camico founding members offer 20 risk management tips
[news release]
this year marks the 20th anniversary of camico mutual insurance company. after two decades of dialog with its cpa policyholders, camico has become a national repository of risk management knowledge for accounting firms. a mutual insurer owned and operated by cpa policyholders, camico recognizes that its success is largely due to the acquired experience and learning of those cpas.
following are 20 tips and thoughts from four of camico’s founding, 20-year member firms:
1. before entering a new engagement, be sure you have the human and professional resources to back up the scope of work. (armanino mckenna)
2. perform a thorough background check on all potential new clients, including inquiring with former cpa firms, before accepting an engagement. (kirsch, kohn & bridge)
3. provide continuous training opportunities for your employees in the area of risk management. be sure all employees understand the firm’s appetite for risk and the kinds of clients it wants to engage. (goldstein munger & associates financial advisors)
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