management minute: cross selling gracefully

does your firm have several different specialties, but you’re afraid that cross-selling may irritate your clients?

to the contrary, clients may actually see a cross-sell as a demonstration of interest in and understanding of their needs. but there’s a fine line between irritation and showing that you care.

if you want to appear compassionate rather than conniving, remember these fundamentals of cross-selling include:
• knowing your clients – what they do and what services your firm is already providing them.
• knowing your services, which includes training and educating staff on all that the firm offers.
• asking questions and listening for clues.
• assessing clients’ needs and proposing only appropriate services to meet them.
• treating the sale as a suggestion. that makes it easier for the client to volunteer information and to accept an offer.

one more: keep clients apprised of how changes in tax laws, accounting rules and government regulations may affect them.

source: elaine de luca byrnes, luce creative. inc., hauppauge, n.y.