porter keadle blogs for recruits

your days as a college student are almost numbered. the working world is calling. as you get ready to embark on your career, you have to be thinking, “what am i going to do when i graduate?” “is a job in public accounting right for me?”

… so begins off the ledger, the blog created by porter keadle moor in atlanta to start a dialog with college accounting students. if blogs are good for anything to cpa firms, they’ll prove their mettle first as recruiting tools. hat’s off to pkm for the venture. and hat tip to public accounting report for reporting it.

and just in time for recruiting season!

3 responses to “porter keadle blogs for recruits”

  1. laura snyder

    rick – thanks for mentioning offtheledger.com! we’ve had a lot of positive feedback from students and university contacts.

    sal – i enjoyed reading your comment. i plan to check out the accountinglife blog today. i was not aware of any other site that was targeted to accounting students…thanks for the information! i do see how the positive comments can make you believe the site is biased. but, these are actual comments from actual employees that truly believe pkm offers a great work environment. i personally wouldn’t consider working at any other firm.

  2. laura a snyder

    rick – thanks for mentioning http://www.offtheledger.com! we’ve had a lot of positive feedback from students and university contacts.

    sal – i enjoyed reading your comment. i plan to check out the accountinglife blog today. i was not aware of any other site that was targeted to accounting students…thanks for the information! i do see how the positive comments can make you believe the site is biased. but, these are actual comments from actual employees that truly believe pkm offers a great work environment. i personally wouldn’t consider working at any other firm.

    laura a snyder
    director of marketing
    porter keadle moore, llp
    235 peachtree street, ne
    suite 1800
    atlanta, ga 30303

    tel: 404 420-5916
    fax: 404 588-4222

  3. sal

    it’s a very good idea, it’s just that it seems a bit biased (ie all the people extol the praises of their firm). this may be the inherent problem of getting “real” info from official sources. i ran across a blog (http://accountinglife.blogspot.com/) that seems to give an anonymous insider look at what new hires can expect. it allows the author to be more candid about things.