e-media: cpa insider marks 5-year anniversary

most widely read online weekly for cpas reaches 175,000 sets of eyes.

from aicpa custom media solutions

“the aicpa insider newsletters represent a quantum leap forward in media, marketing and communications for the profession,” said popular accounting profession columnist, rick telberg. “the newsletters prove what can and should be done with leading-edge technologies at the crossroads of the profession and commerce.”

most of the original management team from 2001 remains on board including: editorial director, rick telberg; advertising sales director, tom greve; publisher/gm, hank berkowitz; account executives karin demarco and joseph torres and columnists, jonathan moreland, john bowen and george white.

in addition to the weekly cpa insiderâ„¢, the bi-weekly cpa tax insider (50,000 readers) has been published since 2002 and the monthly cpa career insider (100,000 readers) has been published since 2004. earlier this year we rolled out cpa corporate finance insider (110,000 readers) and cpa wealth management insider (30,000).

regular advertisers include ppc, ria, microsoft, paychex, sap, the irs, advanced settlements, surgent mccoy and tax talk today.

“it’s significant that aicpa members are embracing the online newsletters in such vast numbers and with such loyalty,” said telberg. “it’s one of the most important two-way dialogs members can have with their national association. we’re very proud to be a part of serving the profession in such a meaningful way.”

berkowitz noted that since 2001, the insider newsletters have grown a great deal in readership, scope and complexity, “but we have maintained a mantra of slow growth, continuous testing and micro-enhancements, so that readers can always find their favorite columnists, professional development resources and vendor information — in a familiar place — in as few clicks as possible.