10 things you didn’t know about the grad you just hired

and will he or she be working for you a year from now?

take notes: if you’re not, the next time you see these comments may be in the letters of resignations you get as your best talent goes on to bigger and better things.

1. the grad you just hired didn’t have a hard time finding a job.
2. they know they’re underpaid, and they won’t put up with it longer than they have to.
3. it’s not taking them long to grow bored.
4. even when they’re happy, they’re looking for another job.
5. their bosses aren’t their mentors.
6. getting thrown into the work force is turning them into experienced pros before their time.
7. some don’t feel their universities prepared them for … (insert profession or industry name here)
8. they’re looking to find a balance between work and their personal lives.
9. many of them would love to become independent practitioners or start their own firms one day.
10. they think they’ll stay in the profession, but not necessarily in the place they started.

source: rachel beanland, public relations agent, amherst, mass., as excerpted from “pr tactics and the strategist online” hat tip: david maister